Zubair Nabi

Zubair Nabi is the CTO and Co-founder of Kaleidoscope, a company specializing in AI-driven data correlation and contextualization. His expertise lies at the intersection of Big Data, Machine Learning, and Distributed Systems, with a career spanning academia, research, and industry. Zubair has worked in organizations of all sizes, from startups to multinational corporations, and has held roles in engineering, product management, and people management.
He is the author of "Pro Spark Streaming: The Zen of Real-time Analytics using Apache Spark" and has published over 20 research papers in leading venues, including USENIX Middleware, ECML PKDD, and IEEE BigData. Zubair's work has been featured in outlets such as MIT Technology Review, SciDev, and CNET. He holds degrees in engineering and computer science from FAST, LUMS, and Cambridge.